It is high duck season here in Gascony. The buying is good, the selling competitive.
We drove over an hour away, to the small town of Gimont, to see the festivities of a Marché au Gras in live and living color. And damn was it spectacular.

Local vendors line their plucked ducks up on long white tables.
When the bell goes off at exactly 10:30AM, there is a mad rush to find the
best of the best ducks, geese and livers for making everything bird.

could possibly make or break a superb fois gras.

"That one. I'll take that one, s'il vous plaît."
It became immediately clear that purchasing duck is a serious matter.

Well, you're in luck. Step right up and hand the birds over.
These fast, skillful butchers slice the birds into parts in about 2 minutes flat.

He gives the go-ahead that the vendors are selling legitimate meat.

Not only are people like us there to buy just a duck or two, but people with restaurants to supply are buying by the cart-full. And they surely want their ducks chopped.

their necks draped off the edges of the tables as if preparing for execution.

The whole market only lasts about 1/2 an if you tend to be late to dates,
don't bother coming on this one. People get in and out and the supply vanishes.

The French-size trucks are outside waiting to be stuffed to the brim with cold, naked birds.

The stragglers will stay by and chat, but most people get what they want and head home, especially on such an unseasonably chilly day burrrrrrrrr.
Another Sunday market come and gone in the blink of an eye.
Bon appétit.