Enormous groups of cranes, hundreds at a time, flew overhead last week. This signifies the beginning of spring much like our Groundhog Day in the U.S.
We could not have been more happy to see them.
We could not have been more happy to see them.

secure the coop against ferrets, rats and weasels. This darling little chicken is more persistant than the rest and is always the first to run over and see what we are doing.

They are constantly under our feet and hands as we work, waiting for the
second we dig up a plump, pink worm or grub.

newly constructed raised beds for potatoes. The soil here is full of thick, heavy clay,
so planting on top of the earth in raised beds is much easier.

under the floorboards, the bedrooms and the tool room.

She is an old WWI boat that Kate bought in Holland. The hull is iron, not steel, thus more rust- resistant and strong. Anyone in the market for a boat? She's an absolute gem!

a stunning sunest over the farmland to the southwest of us.
Cheers to la belle vie en France