Now, what happens to the ducks once they are whisked
away from the Marché au Gras madness and into the kitchen?
away from the Marché au Gras madness and into the kitchen?
They become meals and dishes of various kinds, textures, qualities-
a main course, a pâte, a spread, you name it. But first, before we make anything,
we have to learn the correct way to cut a duck.
a main course, a pâte, a spread, you name it. But first, before we make anything,
we have to learn the correct way to cut a duck.

It is always a good idea to do this, soften it up a bit, before you start hacking away.

The first to go are the head and neck. At the base of the neck is the crop, a pouch where the ducks store food to eat later, so the kernels of corn are still very much in tact.
Contrary to popular belief about the evils of fois gras, the crop is where food gets stuffed
into the duck, not directly into the stomach.
So they have more food available to them, but they choose when they eat it.

in hopes of finding the large, precious liver.

this liver is an absolute beauty, both in color and size.
Slowly and carefully you peel the skin away from around the liver.

A little bit more digging and there you are, just like that.

of 2 kilos. This duck's liver was almost 1 kilo(almost 2 pounds)...
not bad for a bird not even close to 1/2 our size.

leaving the duck feeling... a bit empty inside.

Following that line, you puuuulll the first side off very carefully, using the knife to help
sever any tissue hanging on for dear life. Continue all the way down...

Now, cut each part out- leg, wing, and breast(magret)- from the skin.
And start in on side numéro deux.

So, who thinks they can now dissect a duck all on their own? Anyone?
It's a little daunting at first, but the reward of eating it later is 100% worth the effort.