The Agnes household has been a busy one lately...
Chris arrived a few days ago, just as we were giving a tearful farewell to Elizabeth, who headed back to Austria for a holiday with the family. Then, two of Agnes' grand kids came for the weekend, filling the house with piano playing, singing, imagination and youthful laughter...
they both speak very good English and love to repeat things they hear their daddy say
when he gets mad like "bloody hell" and "jesus christ". Dennis, a former helper,
also stayed the weekend, as the man he's been working for went out of town.
Chris arrived a few days ago, just as we were giving a tearful farewell to Elizabeth, who headed back to Austria for a holiday with the family. Then, two of Agnes' grand kids came for the weekend, filling the house with piano playing, singing, imagination and youthful laughter...
they both speak very good English and love to repeat things they hear their daddy say
when he gets mad like "bloody hell" and "jesus christ". Dennis, a former helper,
also stayed the weekend, as the man he's been working for went out of town.

little cake and singing for him. He turned the big 7 and was pretty happy about it.

when you can still act like a child once in a while. Birthday boy even got to cut his own cake, which is something I know I was not allowed to do when I was 7. I'm not even sure I
even knew what a knife was much less how to use one- thanks mom and dad!

Steven and Dennis in the dining room...