The red tiled roofs, so common here in the south, lend an unassuming
beauty to the views out our windows here at Lafontenille.

Passers-by might think we look a little strange,
but we just can't understand why everyone ELSE isn't as excited as we are.

I wonder if he stopped and had some of the scrumptious ice cream like we did.
Today, Le Somail is a very quiet, peaceful little place with a few canal-side cafes, B&Bs, an old church, boat rentals, and a fantastic used bookstore.

It has a collection of 80,000 books from the French classics to poetry to history to children's books. Many of the books were hundreds of years old...a bibliophiles dream.

week break from school -- maybe they work really hard in September????

Ventenac's very own Chateau at dusk. This is actually a "cave cooperative" -- a sort of wine co-op. We have yet to try any of their wine...we'll have to save that for another day.
A toute a l'heure!