27 October 2009

Fromage du Jour

Bienvenue to our new series of cheese recommendations (soon to be followed by a similar post on wine!).  

First up is Petit Saint-Paulin.  

This cheese is soft and buttery (but firm enough for slicing into) with a smooth, mild flavor.  It is perfect alongside a light wine after a meal.  It always has a thin rind -- slightly darker than the cheese itself.  Authentically produced St. Paulin has an edible shell but beware of imitator St. Paulins with a plastic, inedible rind...sacre bleu!

Saint-Paulin was originally made by Trappist monks in Brittany.  The one we tried comes from a little town called Craon.   

Erika and Hannah rate this cheese:

7.25 out of 10!